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Biblical View of Technology and Project Presentation

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Read the following excerpt from an IT Christian professional, Stephen Whiting (2011):

Technology is, at times, considered by Christians in a negative light. This is especially true when using technology becomes another way of conforming to the world (Romans 12:2). However, there is evidence in the Bible that technology is looked upon favorably by God. For example, Psalm 119:105 reads, "Your word is a lamp unto my feet and a light for my path." The lamp is a form of technology, and if one views God's Word in a positive light, then the lamp should be taken positively as well

Discuss the following questions:

How has technology helped facilitate your spiritual development? Provide at least 2 specific examples that you have found helpful.
How has technology hindered your spiritual development? Provide at least 2 specific examples.


Write a Powerpoint presentation on modern design for large global enterprises.

This should provide an overview of industry best practices and scholarly research on designing enterprise networks for organizations with international campuses and/or sites:

It should use recent scholarly journal articles to support an excellent comprehension of modern WAN design for large global enterprises that meets the optimal requirements of high availability of network services, flexibility, scalability, resiliency, and information security.

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This posting present the Biblical view on technology and Wide Area Network for global companies.

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2 specific examples that you have found technology helpful

Technology has helped my spiritual development in several ways. First, I can access the Bible in totality with the internet. I can access both the Old Testament and the New Testament. Also, technology has brought me closer to the Church. I have been able to contact and remain in touch with the top priests of the Church (a). Moreover, using the internet I can schedule appointments with the priests when they visit my area. Also, I use the internet to find out the programs organized by the Church and attend them in person. I am also able to attend live streams from the Church. Moreover, I use video conferencing to connect to preachers in different parts of the world. I have learned to pray and worship with them. I have also joined two groups of Bible studies with families in different countries! In addition, technology helps me connect to the church any day of the week. I do not have to wait till Sunday to get in contact with the Church. Besides, I find that the use of digital projection of Bible verses and songs is far ...

Solution provided by:
  • MBA, Indian Institute of Social Welfare and Business Management
  • BSc, University of Calcutta
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