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How the U.S. Government uses economic sanctions as national

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How the U.S. Government uses economic sanctions as national instrument of power.

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The solution provides a sample essay material (~555 words) discussing how the U.S. Government uses economic sanctions as national instrument of power.

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Increased usage of economic sanctions as a means of national power or political objectives if not controlled can undermine a country's economic and financial stability. This method is commonly known as "Financial Statecraft" which has risen to a level of significant concern over the past two decades. In particular, the United States (U.S.) Government has utilized banking and foreign policy, finance and "the war on terror", and capital markets sanctions as means of national and foreign political power.
The significant growth in the banking industry between 1980s and 1990s as a global business suddenly became an object for foreign policy negotiation by the U.S. This is contrary to the post World War II era when the U.S. Government championed the establishment of the World Bank charged with the responsibility for provision of capital development. The U.S. banks reduced their loans while increase ...

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