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A Pollution - Free City

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Create a city that does not produce more air pollution than the atmosphere can cleanse naturally.

1. How would someone create a city that does not produce more air pollution than the atmosphere can cleanse naturally? creating this more sustainable environment, consider livability, safety, and convenience.

2. If asked to become the minister or secretary in the Federal Government or United Nations in charge of doing something about global warming, what policies could someone attempt to implement? Why?

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Is it possible for a city to exist that does not harm the environment? What policies could be implemented to help with global warming? These two questions are addressed in this solution.

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1.How would someone create a city that does not produce more air pollution than the atmosphere can cleanse naturally? creating this more sustainable environment, consider livability, safety, and convenience
The built-up area, consisting of buildings and developments for residential, cultural, manufacturing, commercial and utility uses, international pavilions and open spaces.
The largely un built part consisting of agricultural uses, regenerated forests, tanks, water bodies, channels and a number of green activities linked to the promotion of sustainable development, would encircle the built-up area and also act as interface between the City and its bio-region.
there will be an intense and close interrelationship between the City Area and the outside rural area, including the Green Belt, which will be of a synergic nature. Each would complement the other, and support the activities in the 'urban' and 'rural' sectors, thus reducing the urban and rural divide that has crept into urban planning so far, and encouraging a rural - urban continuum.
Maximum living space per person: 30 sqm Range of densities and interesting architectural forms 50% unpaved area as permeable space Collective and community use Eco friendly practices in water and energy management Pedestrian and cycle ways Harmonious landscaping and tree planting
Clean, non-polluting industries Small and medium scale Expand local employment Vocational training for youth Encourage local entrepreneurship Good working environment for workers efficient management practices
Education and Culture
International studies on Humanity Indian / East-West Culture Synthesis of knowledge Arts, craft and technology
International pavilions for cross country exchange Science and technology Culture, philosophy and humanities
Building Development
Innovative, low energy consumption, cost-effective technology, eco-friendly, barrier-free architecture, indigenous materials
Water harvesting Watershed management Waste water recycling Aquifer storage and recovery Preventing saline intrusion Water conservation
Use of solar, wind and biomass energy Better demand and supply side management
Solid waste
Segregation at source Composting and recycling Special disposal of hazardous and biomedical waste Attaining zero garbage situation
Traffic and Transport
Exclusive pedestrian and cycle paths Encouraging non-polluting traffic Service nodes for interface with villages Designing non-polluting vehicles
Synthesis of a wide range of medical knowledge Emphasis on indigenous systems Good healing ...

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