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Saving Private Ryan

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Based on the movie "Saving Private Ryan" answer the following:

1. How does the cinematography positively or negatively affect your opinion of this film?
2. How does the mise-en-scene affect your perception of the film?
3. How does the use of sound affect your perception of the film?
4. How does the use of music affect your perception of the film?
5. How does the editing of the film affect your perception of the film?

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Solution Summary

The solution discusses Based on the movie "Saving Private Ryan" answer the following:

1. How does the cinematography positively or negatively affect your opinion of this film?
2. How does the mise-en-scene affect your perception of the film?
3. How does the use of sound affect your perception of the film?
4. How does the use of music affect your perception of the film?
5. How does the editing of the film affect your perception of the film?

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1. How does the cinematography positively or negatively affect your opinion of this film?

This film won the Academy Award for best cinematography and it was an award well-deserved. The cinematography of this film is breathtaking. The violence was strong, but it needed to be to fully discuss the storyline. The cinematography took the viewer to the war. It took us in the danger zone. We were all in the trenches with the soldiers. The cinematography made us one with the soldiers. It affected me negatively because it showed a side of war I have never seen before, but it also affected me positively and let me know what the cost of freedom truly is. War is never a pleasant subject and to recreate it through film is truly a difficult feat.

2. How does the mise-en-scene affect your perception of the film?

These soldiers went through more during their tour of duty then most individuals experience during a lifetime. The scene I will discuss as my mise-en scene is the opening segment of ...

Solution provided by:
  • Master of Business Administration, University of Phoenix
  • Bachelor of Science in Paralegal Studies, Kaplan College
  • Business Diploma, Katharine Gibbs Business College for Women
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