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Query Database Questions

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. List all active customers. Include the following fields, in the order in which they appear below:

Customer ID
Customer Name
Contact First Name
Contact Last Name
Contact Phone

2. Sort by Customer Name, then by Contact Last Name, then by Contact First Name.

NOTE: All 3 of these Sorts need to be done at the same time. In other words, the Customer Name field is the primary Sort key. When there are duplicate Customer names, the list will be sorted by the Contact Last Name field, and when there are duplicate last names the list will be sorted by Contact First Name.

3. Name the query qry#1ActiveCustomers.

Query #2

1. List all customers in territories 1 and 5 who have bought Standard lumber, and all customers in territory 3 who have bought 3+ Ash.

2. Include the following fields in the query, in the order in which they appear below:

Customer ID
Customer Name
Territory Name
Sales Rep ID
Sales Rep Last Name
Product Code
Product Description

3. Sort by Product Description, then by Customer Name, in Ascending order.

4. Name the query qry#2TerritoriesAndProducts.

Query #3

1. List all customers with the products they have ordered since and including 1/1/03.

2. Include the following fields in the query, in the order in which they appear below:

Customer Name
Product Description
Product Code
Quantity Ordered
Date of Order

3. Format the Quantity Ordered field to display with commas and zero decimal places.

4. Sort by Product Description, then by Customer Name, in Ascending order.

5. Name the query qry#3CustomersAndOrders.

Query #4

1. Create a query that calculates the total product cost and the discounted price for all products.

2. Include the following fields in the query, in the order in which they appear below:

Product Description
Product Code
Customer Name
Quantity Ordered
List Price
Base Price (=Quantity multiplied by the List Price)
Discounted Price (=Base Price minus the Base Price multiplied by the Discount)

3. Format the Base Price and Discounted Price fields to Currency with 2 decimal places.

4. Format the Quantity Ordered field to display commas with 0 decimal places.

5. Format the Discount value to Percent with 1 decimal place.

6. Sort in Ascending order by Product Description, then by Customer Name.

7. Name the query qry#4TotalProductCost.

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Solution Summary

The expert examines a query database questions. The discounted price fields to currency are determined.

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