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Difference between testing and debugging

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Explain in your own words the difference between testing and debugging.
[I know debugging is going through the code in an attempt to isolate the cause of the problem]

Which activity is more time consuming and why?

Why do companies often release software that is not bug-free?

Discuss testing and debugging in terms of run time, syntax and logic.

Address the five w's (who what when were and why).

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The difference between testing and debugging is explained.

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Explain in your own words the difference between testing and debugging.
[I know debugging is going thru the code in an attempt to isolate the cause of the problem]
- Testing is an activity to discover bugs in a program (software); debugging is an activity to fix the found bugs.

Which activity is more time consuming and why?
- Usually, testing is more time consuming. Because, in general, it is impossible to comprehensively test software. This is because, there are practically unlimited number of execution paths in the software. There are also practically unlimited number of input data set on which to test the software.

Why do companies often release software that is not bug-free?
- Note, any testing can only ...

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