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Web Scavenger Hunt

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College Material
Appendix B

Web Scavenger Hunt

To complete this assignment, you are to search for a variety of information on the Internet.

1. Locate a news article from an English-speaking country other than the United Sates. List the URL, list the name of the newspaper, list the country of origin, and summarize the article where indicated below.

URL: ________________________________________________________.

Newspaper: ___________________________________________________.

Country: ______________________________________________________.

Summary: _____________________________________________________



2. What is the current weather in Lisbon, Portugal? Is that Fahrenheit or Celsius? Find a Web site to convert the temperature, list the URL, and note the Fahrenheit temperature only.

Fahrenheit Temperature of Lisbon, Portugal: _________________________.

URL: ________________________________________________________.

3. Search for the famous painting Guernica.

Who is the artist? _______________________________________________.

In what museum is the painting housed? ____________________________.

4. How many miles is it from Nashville, Tennessee to Salt Lake City, Utah?

________. What is the estimated driving time? _______________________.

List four major cities along the trip: __________________________________


5. Search for your own name on a people search Web site. (If you have an uncommon first name, use your first initial only.)

How many people nationwide share your name? ______________________.

6. Locate the United States Library of Congress Web site and determine the year of origin for the Poetry and Literature Center.

Year of Origin: _________________________________________________.

7. List the URL of one of your favorite Web sites and explain why you like this Web site.

URL: ________________________________________________________.

I like this Web site because: _______________________________________



8. List the search engine(s) you used to locate the above information:



Explain the search method or strategy used to generate specific search results.



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College Material
Appendix B

Web Scavenger Hunt

To complete this assignment, you are to search for a variety of information on the Internet.

1. Locate a news article from an English-speaking country other than the United Sates. List the URL, list the name of the newspaper, list the country of origin, and summarize the article where indicated below.

URL: http://www.news.com.au/story/0,27574,25267806-5007133,00.html

Newspaper: New.com.au

Country: Australia

Summary: The Chinese businesswoman at the centre of a supposed spy scandal has declared she is a loyal Australian and "broken-hearted" by the events.

2. What is the ...

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