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Determining temperature change with equilibrium

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For the equilibrium system
CO2(g) + H2(g) CO(g) + H2O(g) H = +42 kJ/mol
K equals 1.6 at 1260 K. If 0.15 mol each of CO2, H2, CO, and H2O (all at 1260 K) were placed in a 1.0-L thermally insulated vessel that was also at 1260 K, then when the system came to equilibrium,

the temperature would remain constant and the mass of CO2 would increase.
the temperature would decrease and the mass of CO2 would decrease.
the temperature would increase and the mass of CO2 would decrease.
the temperature would decrease and the mass of CO2 would increase.
the temperature would increase and the mass of CO2 would increase.

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Solution Summary

In this solution the problem of deducing what will happen to the temperature of a system is considered. In this case, we are adding components that will react and form an equilibrium, and we want to know how far the reaction will proceed, and what will happen to the temperature? A full explanation of this equilibrium problem is included.

Updated January 13, 2011 to correct a small error

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It is useful to start by looking at the equilibrium expression for the reaction


Since K=1.6, then the products must be more in terms of moles than reactants, since ...

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