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I need assistance in explaining what Lawler III,E.E (2003) proposes the diamond model for organizational effectiveness. Discuss one of the four corners of his model. Discuss what that factor might look like in a military organization. How does that determinate of effectiveness relate to the human side of the organization.


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This solution assists in explaining Lawler III,E.E (2003), who proposes the diamond model for organizational effectiveness. It discusses one of the four corners of his model and what the factors might look like in a military organization and how that does determinate the effectiveness relating to the human side of the organization. The article by Lawler (2003) is attached.

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1. I need assistance in explaining what Lawler III,E.E (2003) proposes the diamond model for organizational effectiveness.

Lawler proposed the diamond model for organizational effectiveness because he seen the need for higher performance in the present business arena. He reported that organizations need a STRATEGY that identifies the kind of performance that is needed and to then communicate the need for that performance through mission and values statements. The organization can only do this effectively if they have a good understanding of the ENVIRONMENT the organization faces and how business strategies and performance are related to COMPETENCIES and CAPABILITIES. This relationship is shown in the Diamond Model, which shows that organizational effectiveness results when there is a fit among four points:

(1) Strategy,
(2) Competencies,
(3) Capabilities, and
(4) The environment. (Lawler, http://unpan1.un.org/intradoc/groups/public/documents/UN/UNPAN001316.pdf) (attached for convenience)

2. Discuss one of the four corners of his model.

Let's consider capabilities and effectiveness.

According to Lawler, in order to be successful, organizations must have capabilities that allow them to coordinate and focus behavior in ways that are tuned to the marketplace and produce high levels of performance - ways that differentiate them from their competitors. Every organization must understand what capabilities it needs to compete in its market and then develop them by creating the appropriate organizational designs and management systems.

What are some key organizational capabilities? According to Lawler, capabilities include such things as: the ability to focus on quality or customers, operate on a global basis, be a low-cost operator, learn, and respond quickly to the business environment, speed products to market, and a host of other capabilities. Lawler also proposes that organizational capabilities are dynamic-they do NOT exist in one place, in the heads of a few technology gurus, or in a set of patents. Rather, he argues that they rest in the systems, culture, relationships, and overall design of an organization and typically require the coordination of many individuals and systems in an organization.

Another capability is the ability to change rapidly, which is highly related to competitive advantage. "It is the ultimate competitive advantage because it potentially enables an organization to stay ahead of its competitors and meet the increasingly higher performance standards that the environment presents. It is also a very difficult capability to develop because it requires changes in the human capital of an organization. Simply stated people need to change their skills and behavior in order for an organization to change. Today, organizational success frequently requires not just a single world-class organizational capability but the right combination of several. It may take two or three that are exceptional and a number of others that are at least at a world-class level. For example, successful U.S. corporations such as Motorola, Hewlett-Packard, Cisco and Home Depot are able to both innovate and focus on ...

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