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SWOTT Analysis for SANOVEX

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Create a new product or service for an existing organization

The new product is SANOVEX -- The existing corporation is Sanofi- Aventis

The product is a sleep aid - although the exiting company already markets a sleep aid called Ambien, the new product will be targeted for those that do not wake up rested from all other sleep aid products


A SWOTT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats, and Trends) analysis for the product SANOVEX
This SWOTT does not need to be absolute fact for the existing company, it needs to be credible and accurate delivery.

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This is a SWOTT analysis for a fictitious company called SANOVEX.

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S.W.O.T.T. Analysis

A. Strengths (internal)
a. The product works for resistant insomnia.
b. The product can be marketed under the already recognized and trusted Sanofi - Aventis brand family.
c. Sanofi - Aventis already has the channels of distribution in place for this product.
d. Sanofi - Aventis can charge a premium price for the product in the US market.

B. Weaknesses (internal)
a. The 2004 merger that created Sanofi - ...

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