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Strategic Management

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Karalynda's Cuddles and Care

Resources: Vision, mission, values, SWOTT analysis, Balanced Scorecards, and communication plan.

Combine your completed strategic plan. This includes the vision, mission, values, SWOTT analysis, Balanced Scorecard, and communication plan. The consolidated final strategic plan should be 2,800-4,200 words in length. I just need to put the papers all together (I think?)

Prepare a 3-5 Microsoft® PowerPoint® slides, in which you briefly outline the vision, mission, values, and balanced scorecard that you have developed for your business.

References and in text citations where needed no more than 15% of the paper can come from outside sources.

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The response addresses the queries posted in 3928 words with references.

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The response addresses the queries posted in 3928 words with references.

// In order to frame an effective strategic plan for an organization, we have to take various factors into consideration, which are associated with the company and its business process. We have to look upon to the company profile, which includes a brief introduction of history and background information, vision, mission and values. In order to come out with strategic alternatives, we have to undergo the strategic analysis of various factors involved in the business. In order to proceed with the plan, we will start our paper with the company overview, which includes brief description of its services.//

Company Overview: Karalynda Cuddles & Care

Karalynda's Cuddles & Care Child Care Services is a business organization, which provides care taking facilities to the small children under the teen age. With an advanced level of caring, the company also provides learning facilities for children at the basic level. The services of the company are quite comfortable and the kids enjoy them to their maximum (How to Offer Child-Care Services, 2009). To attain a global position, the business strategy of the company focuses on the safety and comfort aspects pertaining to children.

//After having a good understanding of the business organization, the business objectives of the company can be easily obtained. These objectives are mainly attained through the vision, mission and values of the organization. The SWOTT analysis also helps in the formation of the objectives.//

Mission is the fundamental purpose of any business organization, which helps it to set its objectives for the organizational success. The mission is mainly set by the contribution of all the stakeholders, as well as, the strategists. The mission of Karalynda's Cuddles & Care Child Care is to have a good corporate image in the world. The vision statement of the firm is a short description of the business anticipation, estimated to be achieved in near future. The vision statement provides a thinking platform for future business process, in the present. The vision of the company is to provide convenient child care services for the satisfaction of the parents by the provision of a healthy and education based environment. The business values are quite meaningful and creative, which are aimed to fulfill the expectations of the clientele. The SWOTT analysis is the far used matrix for the environmental scanning purpose for an organization. With the analysis of all the given factors, the business corporation can frame its objectives at the best possible level (Ryall & Craig, 2003).

//The knowledge of all these concepts is quite helpful for the child care company to derive its organizational objectives. The application of these concepts in the derivation of the organizational objectives is analyzed in the further discussion section.//

The objectives of the Karalynda's Cuddles & Care Child Car e are derived from its mission statement. As per the statement, the company wants to acquire a superior image and position at the international level. The mission statement helps the business to have an accurate direction, through which, the organization can attain its objectives at the required level. The concepts of the mission statement are the base for the acquisition of these objectives. From the SWOTT analysis, it is found that few of the objectives are not matching with the mission statement and thus, require some degree of alteration. The objectives are measurably framed through the mission statement. It also helps to generate objectives in coordination with the organizational strategies, which are aimed to satisfy the parents. The vision helps to define the aims of the Karalynda's Cuddles with the recognition of the outcomes through which the company can attain good values.

The values of the company are related to the cultural and social factors. In this field, the firm can achieve its objectives through good support from the society. This can be done only through providing favorable services for the kids, who form a significant part of the society. The corporation can achieve good values only through the positive behavior of the community. Thus, the values are reasonably helpful for the derivation of organizational objectives (Ryall & Craig, 2003).

//After knowing the derivation of the firm's objectives from the vision, mission and values of the company, in the next section of the discussion paper, the use of SWOTT analysis and Balance Scorecard for the derivation of the organizational objectives is analyzed.//

The SWOTT analysis of the table is the best tool to obtain organizational objectives. With the SWOTT analysis of Karalynda's Cuddles, the business objectives are derived in an effective manner. From the SWOTT analysis, both the external, as well as, the internal forces affecting the firm's business are analyzed in a detailed manner. From such a scrutiny, the company can know about the anticipated opportunities, which can be helpful for its future trading. As per the legal and regulatory forces, the company derives its objective of having the great market share through increased customers. The several new ways of success are achieved through the competitive analysis factors.

On the other hand, the internal factors are also helpful to gain the objectives of the company. The corporation is aimed to improve its services, which it derives from the technological factor. Business innovation is the main goal of the child care company, as the kids are fond of having innovative and creative things in their surroundings. This objective of business innovation of the company is derived from the strategic capabilities factor. The other internal, as well as, external factors, also help to obtain productive objectives for the company.

The Balance Scorecard too is supportive for achieving of the firm's objectives of successful childcare. The balance scorecard of the company is framed on the four major perspectives including the financial, customer, operational process and growth perspectives (Ryall & Craig, 2003). All the four perspectives have a great relation with the corporation's goals. By the formulation of the balance scorecard, the company has acknowledged the ways through which, it can have improved level of profitability, retention of the target, as well as, existing Thus, all the business aspects such as vision, mission, values and SWOTT analysis are quite helpful for the company to attain its corporate objectives. The Balance Scorecard framed below is beneficial in framing the major objectives of the company.

//The discussion related to this company is continued with the analysis of the environmental factors, which are estimated to affect the business of the company in a great ...

Solution provided by:
  • MBA (IP), International Center for Internationa Business
  • BBA, University of Rajasthan
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