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Business Procedures Needed to Start New Division

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Today, Mr. Myers (your manager) reveals that you will be assigned to a team to assist the company with its quest to implement a new clothing line of men's business suits. He explains to you that the team should research the procedure for implementing a new clothing line and explain the models and heuristics that would help the company get the new clothing line of men's business suits up and running.

The first step in this project is to discuss which of the business procedures would work best for the company's implementation of the new line of men's business suits using the Small Group Discussion Board. Each member should submit his or her own ideas, but the business procedure should be chosen by consensus. The group should combine each member's contributions and decide on a particular strategic option.

The group should divide all the research up fairly, so each member is doing the same amount of work. All business procedures, models, and heuristics must be covered. The group should also elect one member to be the group leader. The group leader will submit the final Group Portion of the project.

You must submit a report consisting of 750-1000 words in which you research a particular business procedure and explain the models and heuristics that would help the company get the new clothing line of men's business suits up and running. You must address the following in your report:

Discuss the group's consensus on the business procedure chosen.
In your own words, discuss the business procedure you recommended and why.
Explain which decision-making model would work best for the implementation of your company's new clothing line.
Explain which heuristic(s) that would work best for the implementation of your company's new clothing line.
Discuss your group's decision-making ideas.
Discuss awareness and the bounded process associated with the implementation of your company's new clothing line.
Give at least 3 recommendations to the group that would help the company get the new clothing line running.

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Solution Summary

This solution is based on a scenario in which a team is tasked with how to implement a new clothing line, and develop the procedures necessary to be strategic in this start-up.

Solution Preview

Hi. I hope this is what you are looking for. Good luck!

In order to get a new clothing line of men's business suits up and running it is important to make a list of items that must be completed as part of the business procedure. It is important to research the marketplace to develop a business plan. This will help the organization to determine the type of suits to offer, the target customer, the target customer's needs and parameters for buying, competitors, and sources for the suits. Understanding the market is key, initially, to create an appropriate product. The group should perform a SWOT analysis on the competition to help determine opportunities for the marketplace. In this manner, there will be an opportunity to determine the weaknesses of the competition, and take advantage of opportunities. Next, one must source the product, determining the manufacturer based upon quality, cost, product availability, and time to manufacture/deliver.

The organization will also need to determine where the product will be sold. This might be to existing customers of the company, if appropriate, or to new retailers. It would be wise to show the retailers the company's proposed designs to get input so that the retailers are sold on adding this new line to their stores. It would be preferable to get advance orders so that items can be produced based on order.

A critical path analysis would work best for the implementation of the company's new clothing line. This is because there are many steps that are interdependent in the process, and this type of decision making model would identify tasks which have ...

Solution provided by:
  • BA, University of Southern California
  • MSS, United States Sports Academy
  • Ed.D, Boise State University
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