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Project manager manage changes to the Project Scope Document

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At the beginning of a project it is not always possible to define in great detail all of the requirements, work elements, and deliverables that will be involved - especially when a project is scheduled to last for a long time or involves several phases. In such cases details can be progressively elaborated as the project evolves. As these details are established and addressed, however, the scope of the project may seem greater than originally anticipated and revisions may be necessary.


How should a project manager or team go about managing changes to the Project Scope Document and what are the points and pitfalls that should be kept in mind?

My book used in this class is:

Gido, J., & Clements, J. P. (2012). Successful project management. (5 ed.). Mason, OH: South-Western Pub

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How project managers manage to the project scope document is examined.

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The responses addresses the queries posted in 362 words with references.

//The paper is about project management and project scope document. It discusses about pitfalls and points that need special attention, when the changes are made in project scope document. It mentions about the importance of project management//.

A Project scope document helps the project manager to document the needs of the client and jot down the elements of the project and its requirements. It is a cumbersome task to mention the needs of the project, as it progresses into different phases. The ...

Solution provided by:
  • MBA (IP), International Center for Internationa Business
  • BBA, University of Rajasthan
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