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project budget and schedule

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Select any project (preferably IT) that you have participated in. Describe how well the project budget and schedule were controlled, and evaluate why you think this outcome occurred.

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Select any project (preferably IT) that you have participated in. Describe how well the project budget and schedule were controlled, and evaluate why you think this outcome occurred.

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One of the projects that I participated in was development and implementation of ERP solution in my entire organization. The project was completed as per the desired scope, timeframe and budget by the vendor's team. We are very satisfied with the overall completion of the project as it was not only completed as per desired scope, but also because of the final product which is exactly as per our satisfaction. There are various reasons for this successful outcome.

First of all, the vendor or project team ensured during the planning stage itself that requirements for the project are clear to them and they left no stone unturned to ensure that they ...

Solution provided by:
  • BComm, University of Delhi
  • Post Graduate Diploma in Management (Equivalent to MBA), All India Management Association
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