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Strategic Management of Shipment Packages

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Provide a simplified version of the 7 points covered in the Written Analysis tips. Below

Example: Package your shipment carefully by keeping the package squarely in front of you.
Your response: Place package directly in front of you.

Written Assignments

1.Analyze. Avoid merely repeating the facts presented in the case. Analyze the issues involved in the case and build logically toward your recommendations.
2.Use headings or labels. Using headings or labels throughout your written analysis will help your reader follow your analysis and recommendations. For example, when you are analyzing the weaknesses of the firm in the case, include the heading Weaknesses. Note the headings in the cases that follow.
3.Discuss alternatives. Follow the proper strategic management sequence by ( a ) identifying alternatives, ( b ) evaluating each alternative, and ( c ) recommending the alternative you think is best.
4.Use topic sentences. You can help your reader more easily evaluate your analysis by putting the topic sentence first in each paragraph and following with statements directly supporting the topic sentence.
5.Be specific in your recommendations. Develop specific recommendations logically and be sure your recommendations are well defended by your analysis. Avoid using generalizations, clichés, and ambiguous statements. Remember that any number of answers are possible and so your professor is most concerned about how your reasoning led to your recommendations and how well you develop and support your ideas.
6.Do not overlook implementation. Many good analyses receive poor evaluations because they do not include a discussion of implementation. Your analysis will be much stronger when you discuss how your recommendation can be implemented. Include some of the specific actions needed to achieve the objectives you are proposing.
7.Specifically state your assumptions. Cases, like all real business situations, involve incomplete information. Therefore, it is important that you clearly state any assumptions you make in your analysis. Do not assume your professor will be able to fill in the missing points.

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The solution examines strategic management of shipment packages.

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1.Analyze. Avoid merely repeating the facts presented in the case. Analyze the issues
involved in the case and build logically toward your recommendations.

* Pick issues from the case and do a thorough analysis of it. The professor does not want you to just mention what the issues are but also why the points picked by you are actually issues. Also avoid just writing what is written in the case as the professor already knows the case.

2. Use headings or labels. Using headings or labels throughout your written analysis
will help your reader follow your analysis and recommendations. For example, when you
are analyzing the weaknesses of the firm in the case, include the heading Weaknesses. Note
the headings in the cases that follow.

* Make sure the paper has proper headings for each section, for example headings like Executive summary (if needed), Introduction/Background (Section talking about the case background, company history, etc.), Issues (Section underlining the issues and your reasoning), Alternatives (Section containing your alternatives), Recommendation (Section containing your final recommendation), Implementation Plan (Section containing the implementation plan of your recommendations), Conclusion. Refer to the attached File ...

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