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Management in Action - Marketing Analysts

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You supervise a team of marketing analysts who work on different snack products in a large food products company. The marketing analysts have recently received undergraduate degrees in business or liberal arts and have been on the job between one and there years. Their responsibilities include analyzing the market for their respective products, including competitors; tracking current marketing initiatives; and planning future marketing campaigns. They also need to prepare quarterly sales and expense reports for their products and estimated budgets for the next three quarters; to prepare these reports, they need to obtain data from financial and accounting analysts assigned to their products.

When they first started on the job, you took each marketing analyst through the reporting cycle explaining what needs to be done and how to accomplish it and emphasizing the need for timely reports. While preparing the reports can be tedious, you think the task is pretty straightforward and easily accomplished if the analysts plan ahead and allocate sufficient time approaches, you remind the analysts the need for accurate and timely reports in team meetings.

You believe that this elements of the analysts' jobs couldn't be more straightfoward. However, at the end of each quarter, the majority of the analysts turn their reports in a day or two late, and worse yet, your own supervisor (whom the reports are eventually turned in to) has indicated that information is often missing and sometimes the reports contain errors. Once you started getting flak from your supervisor about this problem, you decided you better fix things, and quick. You met with the marketing analysts, explained the problem, told them to turn the reports in to you a day or to early so that you could look them over, and more generally emphasized that they really needed to get their act together. Unfortunately, things have not improved more and more of your own time doing the reports. What are you going to do?

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This solution helps answer a question involving a marketing analysis case study.

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I am not sure how long of a response you want, so I gave several different ways to "fix" this situation.
I have copied below:

There are several issues here. First off, you are giving a directive to your employees and they are disregarding the directive. It does not see that there is any punishment for missing the deadline (except for you but not for the employees). Additionally, there is no reward for getting them in prior to the deadline.

There are a few things that need ...

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