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The Effect of Challenges on the Use of Internet

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How might cultural, political, or geoeconomic challenges affect a global company's use of the Internet? Give several examples.

Write a summary of what you have learned on this topic and then apply it to the current business world. Document your findings, citing credible sources for your research.

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Solution Summary

The solution explains the effect of cultural, political, and geoeconomic challenges on a company's use of the Internet. References are included.

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Some of the cultural challenges that can affect the ways a company operating globally uses its Internet are as follows: differences in languages, cultural interests, religions, customs, social attitudes, and political philosophies. The World Wide Web exists for free due to advertising. Companies create their own websites with the hope of promoting its products and services through its own official site and by linking to other related sites which will also link back to it so that it can gain more viewers and eventually, increase sales. The Internet is global and everyone in the world can access these sites unless the site restricts certain countries. Because of this, there is a need to be culturally friendly as different countries have different cultures aside from having different languages. There are countries whose citizens are not yet very proficient with English. English is a universal language and it is the language used in the Internet. Another reason is that technology and other problems are the reasons why English has dominated the Internet. Studies have shown that about 68% of existing Web pages are done in English while other top languages are in Japanese, German, and Chinese. This implies that the non-English markets are not benefiting from the Internet marketing resources available from the Internet. The scope of Internet marketing is only available to a limited number of people who are English speakers or those that belong to the English cultural environment. An example of this is a website from a US company which is accessed by a Japanese from Japan. If the Japanese finds it hard to understand English, then it will be hard for the company to relate the information and promote its site to him. Likewise, if a website can be accessed by countries such as Japan ...

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