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Impact that the Internet and e-commerce

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Assess the impacts that the Internet and e-commerce have had on international business and how it is conducted. What are the main opportunities and challenges these technologies have presented to MNEs? Explain your answer.

I require help with identifying suitable MNE's with such opportunities and challenges .

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Assess the impacts that the Internet and e-commerce have had on international business and how it is conducted. What are the main opportunities and challenges these technologies have presented to MNEs? Explain your answer.

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Internet and ecommerce has a major impact on all the aspects of international business, be it operations, supply chain management, R&D, marketing and sales. The reach and power of internet and ecommerce has redefined the physical boundaries of trade and has allowed MNE's to conduct business over the globe with much more ease and efficiency. Today's MNE's are setting up operations all over the globe and exploiting growth opportunities in emerging markets across the globe.

Let us take the example of information technology and consulting firms like IBM, HP, etc., as well as technology firms such as Google, Microsoft, etc. Internet and ecommerce have enabled these firms to set up offshore R&D, product development and customer service centers in emerging nations like ...

Solution provided by:
  • BCom, SGTB Khalsa College, University of Delhi
  • MBA, Rochester Institute of Technology
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