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Create a position statement

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You're opening up a new computer store online. When asked why one should buy your product over a competitor's product, how do you reply. Create a position statement that tells why your products, services, etc are better. How can you market this position, online, to help increase sales?

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You're opening up a new computer store online. When asked why one should buy your product over a competitor's product, how do you reply. Create a position statement that tells why your products, services, etc are better. How can you market this position, online, to help increase sales?

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The positioning statement for our ABC online computer store (ABC.com) will be:

ABC.com is a comprehensive online computer store providing all kinds of computer peripherals and accessories from a wide variety of reputed manufacturers at the lowest prices. The company's online store is a very easy to use and navigate web portal, providing an unique online shopping experience in terms of selection, comparison and security of ...

Solution provided by:
  • BCom, SGTB Khalsa College, University of Delhi
  • MBA, Rochester Institute of Technology
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