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Leading & Assessing

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1. How can an awareness of one's cognitive factors and biases help a leader improve his/her ability to take the right risks for the right reasons and to innovate the risks appropriately?

2. Does your organization, or one you are familiar with, implement innovative ideas submitted by front-line employees? Support your position with an example.

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A discussion regarding awareness of cognitive factors and biases and how they improve the ablity to take the "right" risks and innovation strategies within an organization. 383 words.

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1. How can an awareness of one's cognitive factors and biases help a leader improve his/her ability to take the right risks for the right reasons and to innovate the risks appropriately?

When someone, particularly someone in a leadership role, is aware of their own biases, this assists with clear decision making and multiple perspectives being considered prior to taking risks. When a leader is able to look at a situation clearly and is open to other points of view, all risks can be assessed and it can be better determined which risks should be taken to ...

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