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Leadership Model for Business Leaders

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Create your own personal model of leadership.
Address the following when developing your leadership model:
Choose a name for your leadership model, and describe the key components of your model, including the psychological foundations that are the basis of your model.
Describe the traits and behaviors that are the core of your leadership model, and explain how a leader will utilize these traits and behaviors to achieve organizational objectives.
Explain what type of leader will be most successful emulating your model and why.
Describe which of the leadership influence tactics will be most effective for leaders to utilize when applying your model.
Describe how situational leadership applies to your model.
Explain the barriers and opportunities that may affect the implementation of your leadership model.

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This posting describes a leadership model I have developed for a business leader.

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Name of the personal model of leadership: Balanced Leadership
The key components of this leadership model are leadership during turbulence, and leadership during stability. The explanation is that in the current business environment there are periods of turbulence and change interspersed with periods of stability. Also, during the operations of businesses or organizations, there are functions or areas where there is turbulence. At the same time, there are other parts of the operations where stability is required and desired. My model of leadership will ensure that in areas and times when there is instability and rapid change the leader will use his leadership during turbulence traits/ skills and when there is stability or areas of operation where there is a need for stability, the leader will use leadership during stability skills.

Leadership during turbulence:
The behaviors during times of quick-change include communication, inspiration, and team first. For example, the leader will take steps to win the support of all members of the organization and drive them to give better than their best. The behavior of the leader during the rapid change of technology and the need to adapt to the new environment will be simplicity, risk-taking, and charisma. There will be the use of charisma to motivate the employees to better their performance, stretch themselves, and give a stellar performance.

The behavior during periods of stability and in areas where there is a need for stable operations will be characterized as focused on immediate goals, structured and clear policies and procedures, and insisting on following the rules. For example, during periods of stability, the leader will insist that all the rules and procedures are followed and this will help maintain the level of production and efficiency. The focus of the leader will be to maintain the current level of productivity, competence, and output. The leader will appreciate efficiency, be rigid in his decisions, and will avoid change to the operations. For example, if there is any suggestion relating to a change in the method of production, it will be turned down. During these periods and in these areas, the leader will not favor a technology change. ...

Solution provided by:
  • MBA, Indian Institute of Social Welfare and Business Management
  • BSc, University of Calcutta
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