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Leaders, treatment of employees and loyalty

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Leaders need to not only implement proper strategies, but they also need to treat their employees with great respect so that this will carry over into the employees' treatment of customers, which can only benefit the company. If employees feel you value their ideas and opinions, they are more likely to be loyal to the company. Do you agree or disagree with this statement?

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This 280 word solution discusses the qualities and characteristics of a good leader, particularly focusing on the necessity for a leader to be compassionate and empathic to towards their employees. Included is a reference for further investigation of the topic.

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I agree, because leaders must treat their employees with respect and value their ideas and opinions. Leadership is more than just a set of skills; it relies on a number of subtle personal qualities that are hard to see, but are very powerful. These include things like enthusiasm, integrity, courage, and humility. Good leadership springs from a genuine passion for the work and a ...

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