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Effective Time Management Techniques

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Discuss the techniques you use to manage your time wisely.

Explain how managing interruptions, prioritizing your work and identifying goals and objectives are useful for building time management techniques.

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This solution provides quite a few real-world suggestions for making better use of your time, staying organized and keeping on-track. Includes a reference as well.

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Explain how managing interruptions, prioritizing your work and identifying goals and objectives are useful for building time management techniques.

Time management techniques can vary greatly depending upon where you are employed and the type of work you perform. For example, someone in a fast-paced environment like a hospital likely has very specific time management techniques, such as very tight schedules that have breaks built in. Otherwise, they might never get a chance to eat lunch or go clear their mind.

But, more relaxed situations, such as a slow office (one that doesn't do much business) may become complacent, which can be dangerous and cause workers to lose focus on tasks and projects.

For me, I work in a law firm, and have over 1200 co-workers. At any moment, one of them might email or call me with a question. However, I also have regularly scheduled appointments and meetings. If I don't manage my time correctly, I would end up answering ...

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