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non-union employees

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Explain in what ways businesses should be ethically and legally responsible for non-union employees they lay-off.

Explain what level of loyalty businesses and employees should expect and/or demand from one another. Explain, with examples, why this does or does not occur.

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Business Law/Ethics Questions

Explain in what ways businesses should be ethically and legally responsible for non-union employees they lay-off.
Legally the businesses are responsible for paying the benefits that are due to the employee that has been laid off. The businesses must meet the legal requirements with regards to pensions and 401K. The businesses are also responsible to pay all outstanding salary payments due to the employee.
Ethically businesses are responsible to the non unionized employees they lay off in several ways. At the inception businesses must evaluate if they have been fair and just in the selection of employees to be terminated. The non-union employees are those that at an average are lower paid than the unionized employees and do no have the protection of unions. From a deontological perspective, it is the duty of the business to ensure that these employees are treated in an equitable manner. It is the duty of businesses to ensure that these employees are not selected ...

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