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Sekaran and Bougie Research Process: Improving Decision Making

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This analysis should be framed against each and every one of the steps presented in the Sekaran & Bougie (2010) research process.

The analysis itself should be a comparative of how well the author (or authors) of the selected research have fulfilled (or not) the focus of the analysis should be on the research process, not as much on the research content itself. The analysis should be on assessing the adherence to the research process. Look at not only each step (and sub steps) but also how each step serves as a "stepping stone" for the next step. The interrelationships among the steps are also relevant to the analysis.

Contain the basic components of a formal research project (a literature review, statement of the problem, hypothesis or hypotheses, data collected and analyzed to test the stated hypothesis, etc.), preferably of a business related topic. The study can be quantitative, qualitative or mixed.

Scholarly Databases may be accessed in the Library. Suggestions are:

- ABI Inform Global
- Academic Search Premier
- Business Source Premier

I have attached you a list of referred journals

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Solution Summary

The expert examines Sekaran and Bougie Research processes. The improving decision making are determined.

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Oldroyd, J.B., Morris, S.S. (2012) Catching Falling Stars: A human resource response to social capital's detrimental effect of information overload on star employees. Academy of management review. 01 Jul. Vol. 37 Issue 3, p396-418.

Star employees can leverage their social capital to get information, often information that is an advantage to them, the company and the star effect. This is an excellent way to set up this study. The author's use of the word "star" is both colloquial and how other employees often view their coworkers in leadership positions. It gives a name to that view and it is simple and direct, needing no explanation. The identification of the problem in the abstract and the introduction is not complicated and makes sense for those who do have access to so much information. This would include most people in these current times.

Preliminary Data Gathering ...

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