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Identify a specific division to be focus of strategic HRM plan

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Strategic Human Resource Management (HRM) Plan Overview

Select a company from the below list.

Research the company's HR website for internally and externally disseminated documents, mission and vision statements, and the company's core competencies.

Select one company from the submissions. For the company selected, identify a specific division that will be the focus of the strategic HRM plan.

Write a memo that summarizes your choice for a division you will focus on in creating your strategic HRM plan. Provide the division's name, core competencies, and an explanation of your choice.
List of Approved Companies

Microsoft® Intel® Roche Pharmaceutical® Raytheon®
General Electric® Pearson® Toyota® Citigroup®
Boeing* ® Target® Pepsi-Co® Texaco®
Hewlett-Packard® Dell® Starbucks*® Honeywell®
Alcon® Nike® Ford® EDC Publishing®
American Express® ARCO® BEA Systems® Cisco®
DuPont*® McDonalds*® UPS® Glaxo Smith Kline®
Home Depot*® KPMG® Monsanto® Kroger*®

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Solution Summary

The expert identifies a specific division to be focus of strategic HRM plan. A memo is written to summarize your choices.

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