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Demographic Shifts Layoff Practices and Succession Planning

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1.To be a true strategic partner, does HR need to take on a more generalized or specialized approach to work? Why

2.What problems are demographic shifts and layoff practices causing for Succession Planning?

285 words

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This is detailed explanation of the following questions:
To be a true strategic partner, does HR need to take on a more generalized or specialized approach to work? Why
What problems are demographic shifts and layoff practices causing for Succession Planning?

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In today's changing business market human resource professionals must have unique expertise in specialized areas. Companies should also diversify their human resource talent by allowing employees to broaden their knowledge of roles and objectives in the strategic vision of the organization. This will help to deepen the knowledge of the human resource professional and allow them to understand the direction of the organization. Many more complexities exist in the human resource field than in the past, which include the ...

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