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Financial Initiative at Wal-Mart

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Using the most recent annual report and other financial statements submitted to the SEC, select a financial initiative from the "managements message" to the shareholders. Compare and contrast three potential financial outcomes that your Learning Team envisions for the proposed initiative(s). Evaluate your findings to determine the most likely outcome. Discuss the financial impact on your selected organization. Be sure to properly cite your references in your paper.

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To present Financial Outcomes, the first step that should be followed is to select a financial initiative from the management's message for the shareholders. In this context, I am focusing on the Financial Initiative at Wal-Mart, which begins with the introduction to Wal-Mart Stores.


Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. operates retail stores in various formats worldwide. It operates through three segments: Wal-Mart Stores, Sam's Club, and International operations. The Wal-Mart Store segment includes super-centers, discount stores, and neighborhood markets in the United States as well as walmart.com. Sam Walton founded the company in 1962, which is headquartered in USA. Wal-Mart stores Inc. is in the retail industry offering products like Discount stores, neighborhood markets, and super centers. Net Income at the end of fiscal year 2006 was approximately $ 12.19 billion. The International segment includes various formats of retail stores and restaurants, including discount stores, super centers.

Financial initiative of Wal-Mart

The board of directors of the company on March 8, 2007, had given an approval to increase the Company's annual dividend to $0.88 per share. This annual dividend would be paid in equal installments of four in a year. The projected dates of this dividend distribution would be, April 2, 2007, June 4, 2007, September 4, 2007, and January 2, 2008 to holders of ...

Solution provided by:
  • MBA (IP), International Center for Internationa Business
  • BBA, University of Rajasthan
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