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Financial outcomes for Walmart

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Select a financial initiative from the management's message to the shareholders using its most recent annual report and other financial statements submitted to the Securities and Exchange Commission.

Compare and contrast three potential financial outcomes (decrease in sales, increase in sales and no increase or decrease in sales). Include calculations that support your analysis of various financial outcomes and discuss the financial effect on the organization. (Include references)

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This solution discusses financial outcomes for Walmart. It also compares and contrasts three potential financial outcomes.

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For any publicly listed company, you can access their Securities and Exchange Commission's (SEC) filings including their annual financial statements (Form 10-K) at the SEC's EDGAR database which you can access at http://www.sec.gov/edgar/searchedgar/companysearch.html.

To access the most recent annual report of Wal-Mart Stores, Inc., just key in WMT, which is the retail giant's stock symbol in the stock market, into the Ticker Symbol box. When you hit enter, EDGAR will bring you the search results. From there, narrow the results to the Form 10-K by keying 10-k into the Filter Results under Filing Type box. Then click on the Annual Report for the fiscal ...

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