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A Problem of Organizational Behavior Issues

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What would a problem of Organizational Behavior issues Be Exactly? Example?

What would be the relevant facts and circumstances related to the problem and how the culture of of an organization contribute to the problem?

How can the problem be turned into an opportunity.?

What is the importance of a leader's vision in turning the challenge into an opportunity?

What leadership style would be most effective in addressing this situation?

What is the importance of employee motivation and performance in realizing the opportunity?

What are the risks that the organization would face by attempting to capitalize on the opportunity?

What information would the organization need in order to investigate the opportunity?

Is the information readily available and if not If the information is not readily available, explain what the organization should do in order to obtain the information.

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What would be the relevant facts and circumstances related to the problem and how the culture of of an organization contribute to the problem?

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What would a problem of Organizational Behavior issues Be Exactly? Example?
There would be a lack of communication; exchange of information and every business unit would act in isolation. This would lead to loss of business opportunities for the business. Example, in the company 3M there are different divisions that have grown with the growth of products and this has led to complete lack of coordination among the different business units.

What would be the relevant facts and circumstances related to the problem and how the culture of of an organization contribute to the problem?
The circumstances and facts are that the company 3M has grown because of the innovations that it has made and the number of products that it has developed is now 55,000. This has been because the company culture has been that of innovation, freedom to pursue ones own projects even when they are different from the projects on which the person in working on. So, the culture of the company has led to business units that have developed around a product and these are not connected to the other business units.

How can the problem be turned into an opportunity.?
Yes, this problem can be turned into an opportunity. There can be a centralized database into which company wise information can be fed. Then any person in any division of the company can access the ...

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