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Digital Marketing Strategy - Green Home Buildings

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Could you describe how Green Home Buildings can use e-business and the digital economy to launch its business.

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526 words explain how a company could launch their business into the digital economy.

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Green Home Building can use the concepts of modern e-Commerce and digital technology to launch its business enterprise online, in addition to, or in place of a conventional brick and mortar establishment. E-commerce is the concept of using internet and digital resources to promote ones business opportunities. The firm has to research the market first and find out what geographical locations, or socio-economic and ethnic backgrounds are more amenable to endorsing and adapting to green home buildings, and what the characteristics of that segment of clientele are.

Green Home Building can then start with hiring top quality graphic designers and web developers who can produce an informative, yet simple webpage. The first page is the homepage, which is indicative of the establishment and information about Green ...

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