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Managers option and considerations

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I have to assume Im the manager for a company that manufactures tires for cars and trucks. To compete more economically in the global market, the company is seriously considering closing the plant within the next year and moving manufacturing operations to Southeast Asia. Upon hearing about the possible plant closing, the union votes to launch a strike in one week if its demands for job security are not met. Because of a recent surge in orders, the company is not in a position to close the plant yet.

What are my options as I continue to negotiate with union representatives?
What legal and ethical issues do you need to consider?
Which option would you choose and why?

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The company is closing its plant in order to save money and benefit from the cheap labor in Southeast Asia. Thus it's impossible to transfer former employees to the new factory.
Legally the union doesn't ...

Solution provided by:
  • BSc, Dokuz Eylul University
  • MBA, Texas A&M University-Kingsville
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