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items- individual budgets

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JetSet Travel New York heads the production of the jet lag prevention tablet, NoLag, which is effective in 98% of the adult population, and it carries a fully refundable guarantee. Key ingredients of the tablet include kava kava, which is obtained from Hawaii, melatonin, and a mild natural stimulant processed and imported from France. The combination of these ingredients allows the body clock to adjust smoothly to time change. Freshness is essential to the effectiveness of the product, and its shelf storage life is limited to 2 months after manufacturing.

In JTI, each travel product or production has its own product budget. This budget includes all that is entailed in producing the product, including fixed and variable expenses for production activities such as those related to employees, facilities, deliveries, equipment, and leases.

Describe some items that you would expect to find on each of the individual budgets for this specific NoLag product. This would include sales, purchases, operating expenses, capital, and cash budgets. Include considerations for the variable aspects of this product and its sales.

*Please list any and all references used for this and websites, for proper citation, thank you:)

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Items that you would expect to find on each of the individual budgets

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Some of the items which we will find under:

1) Sales budget: Forcasting sales in dollars as well as in units.

2) Purchases budget: Desired ending inventory + Cost of goods sold + Beginning inventory.

Supplies or raw materials will be found under the purchase budget, ...

Solution provided by:
  • BComm, University of Delhi
  • Post Graduate Diploma in Management (Equivalent to MBA), All India Management Association
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