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Ayn Rand's 1964 Essay, 'Capitalism: The Unknown Ideal'

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Please read Ayn Rand's 1964 essay "Capitalism: The Unknown Ideal" at http://tfasinternational.org/ila/WhatIsCapitalism.pdf and then write a personal reaction.

I'm not so much looking for whether you agree or disagree with Rand's commentary as I am for what struck you, or what you hadn't thought about before but now understand better, or how your perspective has changed. You may write with a conversational tone, but please maintain correct grammar.

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Written personal reaction of about 550 words.

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Ayn Rand's 1964 essay "Capitalism: at The Unknown Ideal "A Review of: Ayn Rand's Capitalism: The Unknown Ideal

Upon reading Capitalism: the Unknown Ideal by Ayn Rand, it sounds as though she is writing it from a philosophical view. She seems to coldly write about man. She states that political economy considers land, forest, and mines more important than man. Throughout the writing there is a depressed overtone to the entire document. Those things that society looks at in a positive hopeful way seem to be dashed down at best to seem mundane and unimportant. The concept of a "free man" or "independent individual" was alien to the European culture. From there, she elaborates on how man is likened to living in tribes as slaves or serfs.

Ayn Rand deeply discusses the moral issues of society, "political economy", and freedom ...

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