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Logistical functions and PDCA at Lockheed Martin

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Please address Lockheed Martin organization's logistical quality distribution strategy, to include:
•The specifically logistical functions for which the organization is responsible.
•The metrics pertaining to those functions that determine quality. Possible metrics are timeliness, reliability, cost, shrinkage (damage and loss), etc.
•How those metrics are monitored.
•How the organization applies Deming's PDCA paradigm to quality control; or if it doesn't, how it could or should apply that paradigm.

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Solution Summary

Answered in 715 words. Six sources are cited. The logistical functions and PDCA at Lockheed Martin are determined.

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Lockheed Martin is the business of providing products and services used in:
• Aeronautics and defense
• Information systems and global solutions
• Missiles and fire control
• Mission systems and training
• Space systems

Lockheed Martin provides not only products such as aircraft, but also a broad range of management, engineering, technical, scientific, logistic, and information services. The organization has a supply chain council, which is responsible for determining the strategic initiatives for coordinating performance across their various business units. One of the goals of the council is to make sure that Lockheed Martin achieves optimal efficiency within the supply chain. The council shares best practices and supplier information to create leveraging opportunities. The council also arranges for tools such as equipment and training that create and track the value that has been added as polices are changed, or as new policies are implemented. Twenty-six percent of the total revenue in 2014 at Lockheed Martin was derived from the Logistics and Sustainment department

As the federal budget becomes increasingly tight, competition for customers increases. Different clients have different levels of affordability—some customers, such as the federal government, are able to afford billions of dollars in defense ...

Solution provided by:
  • MSc, California State Polytechnic University, Pomona
  • MBA, University of California, Riverside
  • BSc, California State Polytechnic University, Pomona
  • BSc, California State Polytechnic University, Pomona
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  • "Excellent work. Well explained."
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  • "Thank you so very much. This is very well done and presented. I certainly appreciate your hard work. I am a novice at statistics and it is nice to know there are those out there who really do understand. Thanks again for an excellent posting. SPJ"
  • "GREAT JOB!!!"
  • "Hello, thank you for your answer for my probability question. However, I think you interpreted the second and third question differently than was meant, as the assumption still stands that a person still independently ranks the n options first. The probability I am after is the probability that this independently determined ranking then is equal to one of the p fixed rankings. Similarly for the third question, where the x people choose their ranking independently, and then I want the probability that for x people this is equal to one particular ranking. I was wondering if you could help me with this. "
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