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Importance of Informal Groups

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In a work environment there are often informal groups that form such as people that are interested in things like sports etc. Do you think that a company can be successful if the employees do not have common interests and why?

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This solution discusses the importance of informal groups based around casual interests for an organization's success. It describes how informal groups help people develop connections, build relationships and encourage collaboration - each of these points is discussed in further detail. The posting also discusses whether a company can be successful if employees don't have shared interests. This solution is a total of 213 words.

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Informal groups help people develop connections, building relationships and encouraging collaboration. Having a passing interest in a new television show or sports team can help build alliances within an organization. This is helpful when it comes ...

Solution provided by:
  • BA, University of Southern California
  • MSS, United States Sports Academy
  • Ed.D, Boise State University
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