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Extraterrestrial Life and its Effects on Beliefs & Life

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Question 1:

Suppose we discover definitive evidence for microbial life on Mars or Europa. Would the discovery alter your view of our place in the universe? If so, how? What if we made contact with an intelligent species from another world? Do you think it is likely that either kind of life exists elsewhere in the universe? Do you think that either kind will be discovered in your lifetime? Explain. (100 words)

Question 2:
If you had the chance to communicate with an extraterrestrial, what would you like to ask him (or her, or it)? What do you think the answer might be?(100 words)

Question 3:
If we do contact another civilization, how much should we tell them about us? Is it a risk to discuss our weaknesses? Do you think they are likely to try to attack? If so, why? Science fiction stories have suggested many possibilities, from using us as food, to enslavement, or possible alliances against their enemies. Pick one or more possibility (not necessarily one of these), and discuss it.(100 words)

Question 4:
In Star Trek, Dr. McCoy often told Captain Kirk that something was "Life, but not as we know it."

Describe some kind of life that is not life as we know it. Explain how it gets energy, what it does, where it lives and how it reproduces. You may use an example from a book or movie, but an original idea would be better.(100 words)

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Solution Summary

A discussion on the topics of extraterrestrial life whether microbial or intelligent life forms. Questions such as opinions, questions to ask, beliefs are discussed. Description of a life form is provided and how much information should be revealed to an alien group are examined.

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Question 1:

Suppose we discover definitive evidence for microbial life on Mars or Europa. Would the discovery alter your view of our place in the universe? If so, how? What if we made contact with an intelligent species from another world? Do you think it is likely that either kind of life exists elsewhere in the universe? Do you think that either kind will be discovered in your lifetime? Explain. (100 words)
The discovery would not surprise me or change my views of the universe and our place in it. It is very likely that in the vastness of the universe there is other life, intelligent or microbial. The large number of stars would also indicate that at least a few will support a planet that can support life. I am sure the interesting information coming from Mars shows the possibility, but I am not sure the new life forms will be found in our lifetime. For while technology has come very far, it has not reached a point where travel through space is fast enough to support humans visiting other galaxies or our own outer ...

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