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Critical Thinking: Implementation an Evaluation Plan

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Implementation an Evaluation Plan

Please answer the following questions:
1) Under what circumstances would benchmarking (or any other evaluation tool) be appropriate as an evaluation tool?
2) How do you evaluate an implementation plan?
3) How do you evaluate a contingency plan?
4) How can you tell if your decision-making process was effective?

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This posting looks at 4 elements of an evaluation plan, namely evaluating a contingency plan, implementing a plan, and setting up benchmarks.

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1) Under what circumstances would benchmarking (or any other evaluation tool) be appropriate as an evaluation tool?
2) How do you evaluate an implementation plan?
3) How do you evaluate a contingency plan?
4) How can you tell if your decision-making process was effective?

1) You can use benchmarking as a way tog evaluate if you campaign worked. At the end of your planning, you get results, however, if you did not benchmark the data before any plan was implemented, then you would have no way of knowing if your plan worked or not. If your sales are coming in at 1 million before a new plan was implemented, do we know if this is a success or not? We need to see what our sales volume was before the plan was implemented. If sales were at 900,000 before, and then it cost 200,000 to implement a new program, then we know that the new program was not a success.

You always need to evaluate your campaign at all times, in order to make sure that ...

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