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Crime and Punishment by Law

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You have been given information about an unlawful act being perpetrated at the call center. Three of the Fabulous call center's employees have plot to steal money by falsifying invoices. To carry out their plan, they break into the call center at night and take computer technology that will allow them to create the false invoices. Before the three employees have the opportunity to begin falsifying invoices, they are arrested. What crimes may the employees be charged with, and why?

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Discussion of the best legal punishment for the employees at the call center.

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As you probably already know, there are several categories of crimes that individuals can commit. For the purpose of your work, we will define the specific crimes that the employees may be charged with:

1) Breaking and Entering-As it states, it involves breaking or entering a residence or other enclosed property ...

Solution provided by:
  • BA, Brooklyn College
  • MBA/HCM, Phoenix University
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