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Mary Morrison's Ethical Issue: Copying Software

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Describe the ethical issues of the case as given in the pros and cons associated with Mary's ethical decision. Explain what action you would take, and discuss your underlying rationale.

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Case study discussion related to copying software.

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The main ethical issue surrounding the case is the ethical dilemma faced by Mary to choose between buying an original copy of the Microsoft office software versus using a pirated version given to her for free by her friend. If she used the pirated or in other words, the already purchased version from her friend, it would be illegal in the sense that she would be violating the copyright laws by using this software which is only meant for single user. Hence, it is similar to stealing something. Violation of intellectual property laws and regulations is punishable offence.

The main benefit for Mary's decision to go with the free software given by friend ...

Solution provided by:
  • BCom, SGTB Khalsa College, University of Delhi
  • MBA, Rochester Institute of Technology
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