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Business Communication

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Team and group roles include relationship roles and task roles. Consider your efforts in a group or team; which roles do you tend to take on most often? What does this say about you and your communication style? Are there roles you avoid? How can you increase your adaptability in taking on different roles in different groups?

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This solution provides information about communication styles, roles that an individual takes in a group, and how to increase adaptability in taking on different roles.

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In a group or team, I tend to take the role of a supporter first, until I see what the group dynamic is. After I feel comfortable, I then have no problem taking the leadership role in order to get a project completed. I also take the role of the elaborator. I feel that it is necessary to have all ideas in a group explained in great detail. I also tend to try and be the harmonizer. I try to ensure that the group gets along and I ...

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