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Virtual reality marketing

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Select a regional for-profit business that is not currently using AR, VR, or MR for marketing, but has the resources to do so.

Identify the business.
Explain why the business could benefit from using AR, VR, MR, or 360-degree video. Explain what the business has to gain by doing so, and what the business is losing by not using the new technology you are recommending.

As part of your analysis, describe provide specific examples how the business could use one or more of these technologies. Provide screen shot examples as necessary from other businesses to support your case and help demonstrate the points you are describing. Summarize with any ethical concerns you have about the chosen technology.

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How a regional for-profit business can gain from virtual reality marketing is discussed in a structured manner in this response. The related references are also provided.

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Identify the business:
The regional for-profit business that I have not discussed in either the class discussion area in any of my papers is Glamos Wire located at 2300 Main Street, Lino Lakes, MN 55038-9761. Glamos makes several lawn and garden items such as plant supports, fencing, extension hooks, and products for the concrete industry/ recycling industry. The bulk of its revenues comes from specialty plant support, tomato cages, extension hooks, and wire fencing. Also, it produces bale ties, concrete wire forms, and custom powder coating services. (Image 1)

Glamos Wire has the resources to use AR, VR, or MR for marketing. Glamos Wire Products Co Inc belongs to the Spring and Wire Product Manufacturing industry. The yearly revenue of Glamos is $10.11 million, has 55 employees, and was incorporated in the year 1970. Presently, the Chief Executive Officer is Joseph E. Glamos and the President is Roger Carle. (image 2)

Glamos Wire can use Virtual Reality for marketing:
In my opinion, the use of Facebook's Oculus Rift will give Glamos the ability to show the wide range of its wire products to prospective customers. The use of VR will enable Glamos to tell more complete stories to prospective customers, which will help sell more to its customers. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8--zCh1Ligc
For example, Glamos Wire needs to show and let their customers experience round plant supports (Image 3). These include wire plant supports, heavy-duty Peony Supports, and Heavy Duty Supports. Currently, Glamos Wire shows its supports in gardens through a series of pictures or photos. If the potential customers are given VR headpieces, the buyers will see a need and opportunities for using plant supports. Moreover, the potential buyer when they view the use of peony supports in virtual reality, will analyze the options they discover, engage with the contacts of Glamos Wire to proceed in the purchase decision, and experience the benefits of supports in their gardens and evaluate its value (Grudzewski, F., Awdziej, M., Mazurek, G., & Piotrowska, K. 2018). The customers of Glamos Wire will make a more informed buying decision. Glamos Wire also sells round plant support pallets which include tomato cages. Using virtual reality headsets, ...

Solution provided by:
  • BSc , University of Calcutta
  • MBA, Eastern Institute for Integrated Learning in Management
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