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Japan Marketing Plan

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I need help with writing a 300 word paper with the selected country being (Japan/Toyota)

On my selected country, be aware of the following factors: access to information about the country, the ability to incorporate personal and professional experience and the plausibility of marketing the selected product to the country. Japan/Toyota.

Description of Country (Japan) Economy, culture, the imports and exports, major cities and population. Etc....

Objectives of your International Marketing Plan. What is the strategic plan... short-term and long-term goals... checkpoints... tools used to evaluate how the company is doing.

For information on Japan there are many sites... including

For information on Toyota

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This solution provided demographics about Japan, and ways to market to that particular country.

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Description of Country (Japan) Economy, culture, the imports and exports, major cities and population. Etc....

The major city is Tokyo, and this is their capital as well. Language of origin is Japanese, but English is emphasized as well. Over 84% is is Shinto and Buddhist, and 16% is other religions, and 0.7% is Christianity. The population is over 124 billion. Average life span is between 76-83 years of age. Their GNP is $3.7 trillion per capita, and their GDP is $3.3 trillion per capita. Coal is their resource of use within the country. Their exports consist of $287 billion (55%), while their imports are $235 billion (45%). The exchange rate is 110.42 Yen to $1 U.S. dollar. Japan's largest ports are Yokohama, Nagoya, and Kobe. However, many other facilities exist, which are Chiba, Hakodate, Kitakyushu, Kushiro, Osaka, Tokyo, and Yokkaichi. Please note that all of these are key cities within the island of Japan. They use radios and televisions as well as satellite, and telephones for telecommunication purposes. The major airports are at Tokyo (Narita and Haneda), Osaka, Nagoya, Nagasaki, Fukuoka, Kagoshima, and Naha. Japan Airlines and All Nippon Airways major world carriers. Japan's government is a monarchy, and ...

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