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Do you think benchmarking is just another fad , or is it really useful for all firms? Why, or why not? How could benchmarking be used in your place of employment? Does it rate as a viable tool for future development?
200-300 words

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This solution discusses benchmarking.

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Hello. I provide the following to assist you.

Do you think benchmarking is just another fad , or is it really useful for all firms? Why, or why not?

I think that benchmarking is a useful tool for most, if not all firms. I think that benchmarking can help you compare your company to others in the same industry that may be more successful. This benchmarking tool will provide your company with an outlook to strive towards and hope to achieve. You will also be able to find companies that have similar processes that you do to use their information to improve your company and its practices.

How could benchmarking be used in your ...

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