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Chi Square Test Charity Solicits Donations Data

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A charity solicits donations by phone. From long experience the charity's director reports that 60 percent of the calls will result in refusal to donate, 30 percent will request more information via the mail, and 10 percent will result in an immediate credit card donation. For a sample of 200 calls last week, 140 refused to donate, 50 requested additional information, and 10 made an immediate donation. At the 0.10 significance level was the sample result different from the usual pattern?

a. State the null and alternate hypotheses.

H0: _____________________________________________________________________

H1: ______________________________________________________________________

b. State the decision rule.




c. Compute the value of the test statistic.

d. What is your decision regarding the null hypothesis? Interpret the result.




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Solution Summary

The solution provides step by step method for the calculation of Chi square test for charity solicits donations data. Formula for the calculation and Interpretations of the results are also included.

Solution Preview

a. State the null and alternate hypotheses.
H0: The sample result fellows the usual pattern (60:30:10)

H1: The sample result different from the usual pattern (60:30:10)

b. State the decision rule.
Reject the null hypothesis if the value of test statistic is greater than the critical ...

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