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Chi Square

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I need assistance developing a statistical method to interpret the data in the chart.My thesis topic is Can affirmative action protects the rights of minorities and females in employment. I am using an affirmative action plan to compare the relationship between female as minorites vs. non minorities. The availability estimate is the category that sets the standard for each category to come with in that percent to determine if they fall with in the guidelines of hiring minorities and females in specific EEO Categories. Can you put this information in some type of statistical data that will reflect the relationship. (Preferable Chi Square or any other source that is relavant based on the information I provided). I need assistance with this. I have included my mehodology, so that you can see the direction, I am going in. Please help, for I am desperate. If you can lay out the information it would be greatly appreciates. Also please include a chart or graph based on your information Thank you.

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Data Collection

The following information for this research will be secondary data by using information from the NJ Department of Labor's Affirmative Action Plan, Bureau of Labor Statistics, The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission Reports, and the Roper Opinion Research Center.

The availability estimates are based on a study of the job pools from which the Department of Labor (DOL) filled job vacancies in State Government. For each EEO job category, DOL constructed external and internal job pools. The external job pool included the number of individuals in that category and its feeder categories who were counted Statewide in the 1990 Census. The internal job pool included the number of individuals in that category and its feeder category who were counted in State Government at the end of June 2000. For example, the external job pool for Officials and Administrators included the Officials and Administrators who were counted Statewide in the 1990 Census, plus the Professionals who were counted Statewide in the 1990 Census. The internal job pool for Officials and Administrators included the Officials and Administrators in the State Government as of the end of June 2000, plus the Professionals in the state Government at the end of June 2000.
When calculating the availability estimates, weights were assigned to the external and internal job pools fro each category. The weights were based on the percentage of appointments in each category that were made from internal and external sources, while promotions and laterals are made from internal sources.
To get the availability estimate for each ethnic/gender group within a job category, the percent of the group in the external job pool was multiplied by the weight for that pool; multiplied the percent of the group in the internal job pool by the weight for that pool; and added the two products. The Chi square is used to compare the relationship of minorities and females with non-minorities in the workplace. This analysis will determine if affirmative action protects the rights of minorities and females in employment.

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