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Approaches to Advocacy and Mediation

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Hi, I need some direction on how to answer the following question for a paper I have to complete. Thank you for all your consideration and help.

1. Describe how and why to adopt a win-win approach when mediating. Select 3 examples of win-win attitudes/behaviors that support successful resolution.

2. Discuss the difference between advocacy and mediation.

3. Discuss the difference between mediation and therapy?

4. Write the letter(s) of characteristics and/or definitions of the following terms on the line. There may be more than one response per term.

_______ BATNA

_______ ADR

_______ Mediator

_______ Advocate

_______ Page header

_______ Running head

_______ personal communication

_______ APA 5th edition

_______ Arbiter or Arbitrator

a. style guide used to torment students

b. style guide that informs how to format, cite and pay tribute to original sources

c. includes page number

d. designed to allow papers that are separated from the cover to be re-connected after review. Enables reviewers to review without bias since author's name is not know.

e. Best Agreement to not acknowledging

f. Best Alternative to not agreeing

g. Best Alternative to Negotiated Agreement

h. An APA requirement used by typesetters when papers are published

i. Includes up to 50 characters of the title including spaces

j. Words to indicate information received through e-mail, conversation, or other non-replicable sources

k. A person who acts in support of an interested party during a negotiation

l. Neutral third party who assists interested parties in negotiating a conflict

m. Includes advocacy, mediation, BATNA and other Conflict resolution approaches

n. Independent third party who hears evidence from conflicting parties and decides upon appropriate resolution from them with little or no communication between the parties.

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Solution Summary

The solution is a comprehensive guide that explains key concepts in Alternative Dispute Resolution - ADR (see long description) to help a student complete a paper on the topic. References are provided. A word version is attached for easy printing.

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Dear Student,
The fill-in-the blanks section is based on my own resources - please recheck with yours as they might be different interpretations. Good luck!

OTA 105878/Xenia Jones

Q& A

1. Describe how and why to adopt a win-win approach when mediating. Select 3 examples of win-win attitudes/behaviors that support successful resolution.
To mediate is not easy task - neutrality is always endangered by intense discussions. By adapting certain attitudes however, it is possible to create win-win situations.
? Adopt an interest based negotiation - by focusing on interests, it is easier to find points of agreement.
? Focus on Cooperation - by making cooperation a starting point to resolve the conflict, opposition is avoided and tempers are checked.
? Attacking the problem and not the individual - by tackling the problem, emotions of conflict are shifted from individuals to the issue at hand, this allows for a recognition of individual differences making participants more open to other perspectives.

2. Discuss the difference between advocacy ...

Solution provided by:
  • MPhil/PhD (IP), Open University, Milton Keynes, UK
  • MA, Open University, Milton Keynes, UK
  • Certificate, Geva Ulpan (via Universita Tel Aviv)
  • BA, University of the Philippines
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