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Comparing Piaget and Vygotsky

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Piaget and Vygotsky, share a number of common underlying assumptions. What are some of these assumptions?

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Discusses the underlying assumptions that Piaget and Vygotsky share in their theories.

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Piaget and Vygotsky were both critical in developing theories of development that suggest the ways in which humans construct their knowledge of the world. While they differ in their views of exactly how this knowledge is constructed, they both assume that children are not passive learners but active builders of their own worldview.
Piaget traces cognitive development through a series of stages. In each stage, the developing child develops "schemes" which are ways of organizing knowledge, and as they grow older their schemes become more complex. Children use these schemes to decide how to deal with new information: either they assimilate it into a current scheme, or they change the scheme in order to accommodate information that doesn't fit neatly into a preexisting scheme. In reevaluating their ways of understanding their world, children progress through Piaget's four stages: first the sensorimotor stage, where infants build their worldview through physical and sensory interaction with the physical world; then the preoperational stage, in which young children begin to understand symbols and develop an intense interest in the "why" of things; followed by the concrete operational stage, where children begin to apply logical thinking to concrete examples or tasks; and finally the formal operational ...

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