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Jane a 38 yr old wants therapy but is afraid to venture outside her home. This began shortly after her husband died in an auto accident in which she was a passenger. Her family no longer believes she is that helpless and will not participate in waiting on her. She says she no longer feels loved and just might give up.

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Information-Processing theory and Cognitive Psychology ave been used interchangeable to discuss human behavior. How people organize information and their consequential lifestyle is a current interest in Psychology today.


Using concepts of causal attribution, self-schemata, self-guides and other related cognitive constructs, Why would she have difficulty coping with life?

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This solution provided reasons in a scenario why Jane would have difficulty coping in life.

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Using concepts of causal attribution, self-schemata, self-guides and other related cognitive constructs, Why would she have difficulty coping with life?

Jane would have difficulty venturing outside of her home for a variety of reasons. In regards to casual attribution, this is an area worth noting. She attributes what her husband's death in an auto accident to not going outside of the house. In essence, she has developed agoraphobia because she is afraid that if she gets outside of the house, then she will also risk putting herself in danger, and end up dead herself. This fear has manifested her life, and made it all the more difficult for her to get out, which makes her want to stay inside all the more. This was her way of coping, but really makes it all the more harder because of her fear that has overtaken immensely. Jane has an internal disposition, which makes her fearful, but she externally attributes it to the car accident (situation). Basically, her perception is skewed, and because the cause is in regards to the environment due to her going through a trauma with her spouse at that time. She knows that he did not intend for the accident to occur, but it greatly affected her in so many ways. Her outlook is negative, and there is a good possibility she is depressed. This individual most likely has Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder as a result of experiencing death. Her family is not supportive, and believes that she is not helpless, but in reality she needs their help all the more in order to promote healing. She needs to know that she is loved, and since she does not feel that way, then her thoughts have caused her to become suicidal through her depression.

Self-schemata contributes to Jane's difficulty in coping. The new information she received from her husband's death, and from her family failing to support ...

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