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Why do juveniles get harsh sentences rather than treatment?

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Most psychologists are clear in their assertion, based on research findings,that adolescents do not need more punishment for juvenile offenses. At the same time, we see more severe treatment of offending teenagers. Why do those who make the laws seemingly ignore decades of research and adolescent deviant behavior, its causes, and appropriate remedies?

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Discussion of why research on the causes and most effective treatments for juvenile offenders is often ignored by policy makers. Approximate length 250 words.

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First of all punishment delivered by the state arguably has as much to do with satisfying the public's demands for 'justice' and immediate safety, as it does with rehabilitation and long term preventation. Law makers are ultimately held accountable by the public and ultimately often reflect general public biases and prejudices. It can be argued that most people either have been conditioned to expect certain types of ...

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